This retreat, though it should be done in a retreat setting with the ability to discuss with others, can be done individually as a means to contemplate and pray. It can also be completed in small groups.
Due to the fact that the online retreat is an option for those unable to attend the class retreat, it is highly suggested that the online retreat be done with the sponsor or a parent. It is not to be done alone. As a candidate, this journey toward Confirmation is not to be alone. It is to be mentored by your sponsor. If your sponsor cannot work with you for this online retreat, you must complete it with a parent. Parents and sponsors should log into this website as well and be the leaders and facilitators of discussions and allow candidates to ask questions freely. Again, THIS IS NOT AN INDEPENDENT ASSIGNMENT!
Please download the following pdf files to guide you through this retreat experience. A journal is included as well as lyrics to some of the songs, prayer guides and other important information.
Once you have downloaded the materials, proceed to each page in order to move through the retreat using the tabs on the right hand side in the order they are in (1-9).
The entire retreat should take approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the number of participants and the amount of discussion and sharing that takes place.
How to answer the questions:
1 Journal. Write your answers for journal questions on the form that you will download. Save this and bring it to Sr. Lisa Cirillo when you are finished.
2. Submitted Forms will be completed on the page of which they are located. Sr Lisa will receive these by email.
3. Blogging Posts: Use the dropdown list and choose "anonymous", this way you do not need to open an account. HOWEVER, SIGN YOUR NAME TO THE END OF THE POST so that you will receive credit for completing the question. If you do have a google account, you can choose that option instead. You must post one original comment, plus include at least two replies (either to the same person in a conversation, or two different people. The idea is to share in conversation).
Download and print the following pdf files:
(If you do not have a printer, please contact Sr. Lisa for copies)