6. Disciples in the Spirit

Christ has no hands now, but yours.  How do we leave the fingerprint of God as a disciple of Jesus?  Jesus has given us in Scripture ways to leave that fingerprint in the Beatitudes.  The Church also gives us ways to live out our discipleship through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  Look at this list and think about how we are doing as disciples?
Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the Hungry
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Clothe the Naked
Welcome the Stranger
Visit the Sick and Imprisoned
Bury the Dead

Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counsel the Doubtful
Instruct the Ignorant
Admonish the SinnerComfort the Sorrowful
Bear Wrongs Patiently
Pray for the Living and the Dead

How can you “realistically” leave a fingerprint?

Journal Question 4 

Scale of Discipleship
(poor) 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10 (Excellent)
Using the above scale to describe discipleship, answer the following questions on this guide.  Support your answers. (Remember to complete all of the questions. Use the scroll bar on the side of the document to view the entire document and submit using the button.)
If you do not see the form embedded below, please follow this link which takes you to the same form and complete your answers from there.
By using the form or link to the live form, all answers can be seen the live results of the survey!

(This is the PDF version.  This does not tally responses in order to see the survey results.)